Spectral Flow Cytometry meets modularity. First experiences with the CytoFLEX mosaic detection module – Gold sponsor talk 1

Spectral Flow Cytometry meets modularity. First experiences with the CytoFLEX mosaic detection module
The CytoFLEX mosaic spectral module represents the next step in the evolution of our CytoFLEX platform. It provides spectral capabilities for our CytoFLEX S and LX instruments. With this module, you can mix and match different detection methods in one instrument, increasing capacity without the need to invest in a new independent instrument. Spectral technology as a modular detection concept allows you to enhance your capabilities while futureproofing your existing instruments.
The CytoFLEX mosaic module provides you with the flexibility to switch between conventional and spectral modes, allowing you to cover experimental workflows from the simplest to the most advanced in a “grow as you need” approach. Having two analyzers in one help maintain the continuity of your experiments while implementing spectral capabilities.
The CytoFLEX mosaic detection module is powered by a unique algorithm capable of improving resolution compared to other available methods. With unmixing accuracy checks and all the necessary features for accurate controls, you can be sure to get the best possible results from your spectral experiments.