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Day 1 – February 5, 2025
Postertitels and Presenters
1 Laura T. L. Brandt Image-based sorting reveals the metabolic role of polyploid hepatocytes
2 Valérie Glutz Optimization of Cell Sorting from Prostate Biopsies for Organoid Generation: A Technological Transfer to a Spectral Sorter
3 Mitchell Bijnen Autocrine TGF-β1 is critical for the microglial response to amyloid-β in a model of Alzheimer’s disease
4 Romain Bedel The Flow Cytometry Facility of the University of Lausanne
5 Juan Jauregui-Lozano Development of a flow cytometry-based approach to measure R-loop levels in mammalian cells
6 Priyanikha Jayakumar MicroFlow Insights: Tips and Tricks for Analysing Bacteria
7 Paulina Wawrzyniak Flow cytometry method for detection bacterial DNA in peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
8 Phillip Schätzle Comparison of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell survival on a microchip based cell sorter and electristatic droplet sorters.
9 Frederike Westermann Unveiling a unique macrophage population in exocrine glands sustained by ILC2-derived GM-CSF
10 Manuel Schulthess Lutz Recovery Analysis after high speed cell sorting
11 Francesco Palumbo Poster presenting EPFL Flow Core
12 Dominique Stark Differentiation of CD8 T cells towards Exhaustion in Chronic Viral Infections
13 Christele Gonneau A robust adoptive cell therapy phenotyping panel for assessing cerebrospinal fluid during and after neurotoxicity by flow cytometry
14 Tatiane Gorski Spectral cytometry allows sorting of macrophages from murine spleen
15 Céline Rauld Spectral flow cytometry immune profiling of PBMCs from Type 1 Diabetes and Healthy donors
16 Mario Wickert Sorting extracellular vesicles using the BD FACSDiscover S8
17 Elise Helena Armulik The Impact of Inflammatory Pathways on Fetal Thymic Immune Cell Development
18 G. Blazkova Untangling the role of IL-10 on monocytes in traumatic injury
19 Anissa Fries Evaluation of Rituximab interference with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) ERIC MRD assay
20 Lydia Kirsche “MARMOT: A Multifaceted R Pipeline for Analysing Spectral Flow Cytometry Data from
Subcutaneously Growing Murine Gastric Organoids”
21 Liarou Margarita A density-driven pseudotime method for flow cytometry data analysis
22 Blandine Pouleau Swiss Flow Cytometry School: From knowledge to community, Shaping the future of flow cytometry together
23 Simone Balin High-dimensional spectral flow cytometry reveals distinct T cell profiles and thymopoiesis abnormalities in thymic epithelial lesions
24 Julien Chabbey Immune alterations and cytokine sources in CAR T cell therapy-associated toxicity
25 Ultán Doherty gateTree: A user-informed tree algorithm for populaƟon idenƟficaƟon in flow cytometry
26 Alessandro Frigo A 40 colors spectral panel to decipher human NK cell involvement in the establishment of NeuroCOVID-19
27 Marijana Saric Distinct Immune Landscapes in NPM1c AML
28 Katharina Schönberger Muscle tissue resident macrophages (TRM) in homeostasis, exercise and disease
29 Samplix An overview of Samplix Xdrop
30 Standard Biotools A High Parameter Mass Cytometry Panel for the Functional Characterization of CAR T cells by CyTOF
31 Stella Stefanova An Eye on the Imaging Flow Cytometers
32 Asif Khan Selective Single Cell Isolation Of Adherent Cells Using A Novel Shake Method
33 Nicola Ternerova The Relationship between T cells and fibroblast activation protein-positive mesenchymal cells in glioblastoma
34 Stefan Rudloff At the upper limit: high-speed sorting of morphologically intact renal tubule segments
35 Mara Esposito Development of a biomimetic model to recapitulate antibiotic failure in human Brucellosis and repurpose more efficacious drug treatments
36 Eirini Kamileri Validation of a Flow Cytometry-based basophil degranulation assay for use in multi-centric clinical trials.
37 Mohammad Asghari Real-time Viscoelastic Deformability Cytometry: High-throughput Mechanical Phenotyping of Liquid and Solid Biopsies